The Bells summiting the peak

About | Start Here

Hello! My name is Jeff Bell, and welcome to the Planet Bell blog. 

I have been traveling the world since 2001, visiting 50+ countries on 11 extended trips. From 2005 to 2018, I worked summers in Alaska which allowed me to save money and have time off for travel in the off-season. I currently live in Kaohsiung, Taiwan with my wife and travel partner, Kristi.

This blog is a mix of travel stories, photo essays, travel and photo tips, and the occasional cartoon.

Below are links to some of the most popular and useful posts and that will help you get started exploring this website. Free free to contact me at if you have any questions about the places I’ve traveled or if you want to meet up in Taiwan.


Travel Stories and Commentary

Travel Comics and Cartoons

Where I Have Traveled (With links to country-specific posts)

92 thoughts on “About | Start Here”

  1. Robert says:

    Well, what d’ ya’ know? I found this on Freshly Pressed as well. Congratulations all around!

  2. lovely! im also a ‘girly girl’ so its encouraging to read Kristi can do it, maybe i can too with my husband! thank you for sharing!

  3. akateraka says:

    l I wanted you to know that I have nominated you for the Very Inspiring Blogger Award.
    The link will lead you to the guidelines if you would like to participate. Thanks for being a great inspiration, not only to me, but I know, to many other people that visit this blog.

  4. Hello Jeff ~

    You have a wonderful travel blog! Your travel adventures, tips, and photos are both informative and fun. I have enjoyed your “joie de vivre” and reading about the “girly” perspective of your wife, Kristi. (Your exotic travels suit her well.) I see you have already been nominated for the “Very Inspiring Blogger Award,” however, I would like to “second” this notion and also nominate you for the “Very Inspiring Blogger Award.” The details associated with the nomination are at . Keep on traveling, and I’ll continue to enjoy reading about your adventures!


  5. Hi Jeff and Kristi, What a fantastic life you are living! I love your intrepid spirits. And congrats on the FP – very well deserved! All the Best, Terri

      • your welcome:)

        The gist of these awards is that there is nothing like participation or event. The nomination is the award itself 🙂 So you have got one 🙂 🙂

        You don’t need to do the whole thing, but do answer the questions which I have added recently. You may find the exercise worthy.

  6. I think it is awesome that you both are traveling the world at such young ages!! I love it!

    Thanks for stopping by my blog…A month is Sicily sounds wonderful..I replied with some tips

  7. Thank you very much for following my blog 🙂 Happy that you like it!! what a nice blog you have !for sure will come back here:)

      • I get so many good ideas for new trip on here! You guys are so lucky to work and live in Alaska. We have a cabin up there and some land! Looking forward to upcoming adventures! Greetings!

    • I loved India. In many ways, it is my favorite country. It is dirty, chaotic, hectic – a real challenge to visit. But the people are exceedingly friendly, there is so much color and so many interesting things to visit. It is a place that is unforgettable.

  8. As we are travel addicts too, we are keen to see all your past and future travels 🙂 We wish we could do more of it but can only squeeze trips in and around trips when we can… You are very lucky to be working in an industry that allows you to flexibly work! Happy travels!

    • Yes, we are very lucky. It isn’t always easy though – I worked about 70 hours last week and we just got running water after a month without. But in 5 months when my contract is over it will be worth it!

  9. I’m glad I stumbled upon your blog! My boyfriend and I were kayak guides in AK last summer, in Prince William Sound, although we were practically paid in rocks so we didn’t have the means to travel afterwards. What kind of work do you two do? I look forward to reading more of your posts!

    • I work as a manager at a hotel in Denali. It is possible to save money up here mainly due to the cheap housing and potential to get OT or pick up a 2nd job.
      Someday I am going to write a post about it.

      Thanks for commenting.

  10. You got one more fan and follower!! Incredible photo essays, stunning photography and awesome adventure!

  11. Thanks for the follow, Jeff. And I have to thank Madhu for directing me to your blog. I’m really enjoying your travels and photography.

  12. Just wrote to you on fb but I just read this and I love your story. Your wife sounds kind of like me, she loves her comforts but when it comes down to it she’ll embrace the adventure and adapt to it. At least that’s what I got, wine and pillow cases were a hint. 🙂 Looking forward to reading more about your adventures.

    • Hi Mani,

      Yes, I must have accurately summed up Kristi because you hit the nail on the head. She likes comforts but will totally rough it without (much) complaint. I looked at your blog too and was impressed. I look forward to reading more of it. Thanks for the comments and follow.

  13. not sure what it is with young people having to tell everyone how many countries
    they’ve been to. ive been on the road for 35 years and make you look like a homebody.
    guess what? there are a 1000 other people just like me.
    one last thing,all the places you’ve been to are so mainstream its pathetic.
    for fucks sake at least hike the Karakorum or tien shan.
    fuckin a!
    the only people youre impressing are hillbillys back in Oklahoma!

    • Kel,

      Thanks for reading my blog. Hopefully I will be able to continue traveling and some day have 35 years of experience just like you. I appreciate the comments. Have a great day.

  14. “Despite her girly nature, is a great traveler” Sounds exactly like me and my lady! Good stuff bro, you’re living the perfect life in my opinion. Truly doesn’t get much better.

    • Thank you very much. My wife is a lot tougher than she looks! Most people who know her in the real world have no idea that she is such an awesome traveler.

  15. By the way, I appreciate your polite response to “Kel” but fuck that guy. No one who’s spent their life traveling and absorbing all different kinds of cultures speaks like that to, or about, people.

  16. Feeling much in the same boat as Kristi. I started really traveling with Adam when we went to Korea for a year, and never expected to get so into moving around and hiking and camping and squat-y potties (which still struggle with) But each new place is such a great learning experience about culture and myself. I’m Loving It! (Not McDonald’s)
    Alaska will probably always feel most like home though.


    • That is awesome that you’ve found a way to travel and work at the same time. That is the best way in my opinion. Will you be back in Skagway this summer?


  17. …it would be very interesting to see a video of Kristi pantomiming pillow case and wine 😉 Thank you so much for the follow – I truly appreciate it!!!

  18. Hey there Jeff! I do a blog following spree every once in a while, and this July I’m going 7 for 7: following 7 fun blogs a day, each day, for the seventh month. Yours is today’s #7. Feel free to come visit me at and if you like what you read, follow back! Thanks and have a great day!

  19. ellurbird says:

    Just come across your blog and I’m glad I did, it’s great! How amazing that you’ve been able to share all your awesome adventures with your wife. I would love to go travelling one day!

      • ellurbird says:

        Hmmm I’d say a combination of having the confidence to just go out there and explore, as well as more practical things like finding a travelling companion and money. One day though, one day!

  20. JessicaPanz says:

    Hi there!I love your writing and your photos are great. I am waiting to go travel New Zealand in january and reading about your travels got me very excited. I am so looking forward. I am very glad I found your blog Jeff. Enjoy the world! 😀

  21. Just stumbled across your blog as well. As a former expat, I particularly enjoyed reading about your travels through Mexico – a lovely and complicated country.


  22. Poor Kristi sounds like a younger version of me. I fancied a beach in Thailand, ended up with sand but no beach, the Sahara and Timbuktu to boot. He also dragged me up a mountain and that wasn’t on my list either. Have been skimming through lots of your posts. Your photos are great.Look forward to do more in depth reading over time. Louise

  23. PatCallahanPhotography says:

    Wonderful Site Jeff! Looking forward to your future adventures and photos!

  24. christopher catulpos says:

    Heey Brother I’m the one playing basket here in cebu I’m Christopher Catulpos We want to see our photos Jeff Bell brother By the way what is your facebook name?

  25. Heey Brother Jeff Bell we are here to see our photos playing basketball By the way I’m Christopher Catulpos can you send me the all photos brother plss haha Add me on facebook Christopher Catulpos 🙂

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