All posts tagged: Cuba

Cuba Classic Car

The Classic Cars of Cuba, Part II

On the previous post, I explained why there are so many classic cars in Cuba and talked about how incredible it is that so many are still on the road today despite an embargo from the USA. This post is just photos – vintage car porn, if you […]

Cuba Classic Cars in Havana

The Classic Cars of Cuba

“How in the heck do they find parts for those cars!” marveled my dad as I showed him photos of the classic cars of Cuba. As a car guy, he was amazed that there were so many on the road. That was way back in 2003, […]

Cuba street photography

Photo Essay: Talking Hands

When taking street photos in Mexico and Cuba, I realized that everyone seems to be talking with their hands. The expressive Latinos would have a very difficult time communicating with their hands tied behind their backs, it seems.

Gustavus Alaska Sunset

50 Photos from 2015

2015 was an interesting year of travel for me. Although I traveled extensively, I spent most of the time going back to places I’d been in the past, getting to see them more in-depth or in a different way.