All posts filed under: Travel Tips


Sri Lanka Travel Tips

The first tip I have for visiting Sri Lanka is simple – go to Sri Lanka! Sri Lanka has ancient temples, soaring mountains, thundering waterfalls, safari parks, sandy beaches, and a stunning colonial city. It is a hassle-free destination with friendly people and delicious, healthy […]

Trekking Rinjani

Trekking Rinjani Tips and Advice

A little over a year ago I decided to torture myself on a three-day trek up Mount Rinjani in Indonesia. Since writing about the trek, those posts have become among the most popular on this blog. It seems there are a lot of people searching the internet about […]

The mean streets of Creel

Is Mexico Safe?

Is Mexico safe? This is the big question people have before making a trip to Mexico, or for nervous relatives who have a family member taking a trip south of the border. 

Fireweed in Alaska

Top 10 Things To Do in Glacier Bay

Although Glacier Bay is over three-million of wilderness, it is mostly undeveloped, and it lacks the tourist infrastructure of the national parks in the lower 48. When I first moved to Glacier Bay National Park in remote Alaska, I didn’t know there were 10 things you could […]